Otaru Anime Party
“Otaru Anime Party” is an anime and manga event held in Otaru city. The event will be held in the […]
“Otaru Anime Party” is an anime and manga event held in Otaru city. The event will be held in the […]
This is an autumn wine event where you can fully enjoy delicious wines from Hokkaido. Hokkaido has vast land a […]
The Night Market is held at North Canal, located on the north side of the Otaru Canal. On autumn nights, the O […]
“Ghost Town Sakaimachi” is a Halloween event held in Otaru’s Sakaimachi Shopping Street. […]
The illuminations of the Otaru Canal are an essential sight in Otaru. Every year many tourists visit to enjoy […]
The Otaru Canal is a historic canal located in Otaru, Hokkaido, which was completed in 1923. The canal once fl […]
Nichigin Street, adjacent to the Authent Hotel Otaru, was the center of Hokkaido’s economy from the Meij […]
Otaru has a history of prosperity as a port town in Hokkaido, and is also known as a city of beautiful glass c […]
Otaru Tengu Yama is a mountain with an altitude of about 532 meters in Otaru City, Hokkaido. You can take a ro […]
The Temiya Line is part of the government-run Horonai Railway, which was originally built to transport coal. I […]